Cats, the little devils with beautiful eyes, sharp claws and fur as soft as pillows. Who wouldn’t fall in love with them? Really, it’s a sin.

“Cats”, everywhere you go on the internet you will see them. Although we have been associated with them for more than 10,000 years, the number of videos, photos and views can never justify how popular they are to us, humans. Growing up, I was introduced to my first kitten when I was barely 5, I learned how to handle them, their behavior, what makes them tick and what annoys them so when I found it there’s a place where I can be with them, I knew I definitely had to go. Join me today as I visit the iconic “Mocha” Cat Cafe in the land of youth: Harajuku.
Address: Jingumae, 1 Chome−14−25 クロスアベニュー原宿 4F
Contact Details: (03) 6447- 2665
Nearest Station: 0 minutes’ walk from JR Harajuku Station
Schedule: 10 AM to 8 PM all year round / last entry is at 07:30 PM
The interior of the cafe is littered with cat trees, cat cubes, and cat fishing toys that our furry friends love. There’s even a series of suspended walkways which the cats seem to have a lot of fun using! They can easily escape if they don’t want human attention. See them here:

The rules and regulations within the cafe is strictly implemented as expected of animal cafes. You can touch the cats and play with them but you’re not allowed to carry them or chase them around. We were also advised to not disturb the cats when they are resting or sleeping. When you enter the area, you will be give a pair of slippers, a key-bracelet for your locker where you will be asked to put your belonging and your shoes. The best time to visit the cafe is around 10:00 AM and 7:30in the evening where you can see their feeding time.
Price: ¥200/ 10 minutes
– Maximum Charge– General ¥2,400
– Junior High/High School Students ¥1,200
Separately ¥350 is charged required fees for All-you-can-drink.

There are several cat breeds you will see when you enter the cafe, there are your traditional Munchkins, American shorthairs and Scottish folds, there are also fluffier ones such as Maine coons, Norwegian forest-cats, Ragamuffins and Persians. The cats have their unique behaviors and looks, some look naughty, cheeky and kind while some look grumpy! Such amazing individuals, our furry friends are! Take a sneak peak at them here:

Our visit to the cafe was filled with fun and excitement. For a cat-lover, it was an absolute paradise being surrounded by different kind of cats and getting to pet them. There are also cat treats which you may buy and use to feed the cats and attract their attention. Also, you are offered unlimited drinks while inside the cafe so you can enjoy sipping your tea or cola while playing with your new-found furry friend.

Next >>Meet the Instagram-craze Rainbow Cotton Candy
MORE ABOUT HARAJUKU CAFES HERE: Check out the cutest ice creams Harajuku has to offer
MORE ABOUT JAPAN DESTINATIONS HERE: Popular Cafes – Japan Destination

The heaviest domestic cat on record is 21.297 kilograms (46 lb 15.2 oz).
Cats have powerful night vision, allowing them to see at light levels six times lower than what a human needs in order to see.